Commitment to results and ease of use

The assignment of diagnoses is carried out by medical specialties and organ specialties, with a principle of escalation (local, Specialty, permanence unit) and alert.

Our system also ensures:
- On-line monitoring of the progress of interpretations.
- Access to a printable version of the detailed reports.
- Quality control by double random reading.

Our secure private network guarantees data control, traceability and security
Of identifications. It is compatible with all the imaging standards in force, thanks to a system independent of the equipment, in compliance with the most stringent international standards (DICOM, HL7, IHE ...). It also proposes the set of tools (PACS / RIS) necessary for the management and interpretation of examinations.

Our results commitments throughout the chain of care are:
- Designation of a proximity correspondent in charge of interface and monitoring of commitments,
- Initial implementation in a few days,
- Training and permanent staff support throughout the period,
- Assistance 24H / 24H and 7J / 7J,
- Documentation,
- Assumption of tenure according to the timetable and deadlines requested,
- Accompanying capacity beyond the perimeter of the consultation,
- Qualitative and nominatively appointed medical team, subject to strict permanent medical quality control,
- The possibility of associating local resources
- The Association of Hospital Practitioners,
- Evaluation and statistical monitoring,
- Follow-up meetings,
- Continuous improvement plan (technical and functional),
- A balanced and attractive business model for institutions.

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