Les médecins membres du réseau TéléDiag.


Prénom : Emilie
Spécialités d'organe : Imagerie de la femme - Pelvis, Imagerie de la femme - Sénologie, Imagerie Oncologique, Imagerie Uro-Nephrologique
Numéro d'inscription à l'ordre : N°75/90951
Fonction : Membre
Région : Île-de-France
Etablissement(s) : Institut Curie - Paris


MD, Radiologist . Novembre  2015 - Novembre 2020 . Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris VI

Novembre 2009 – Novembre  2015 : Medical Studies ; Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris VI ;  Ranking of the rst year : 315 out of 2000 : Ranking of the sixth year (ECN) : 1483 out of 8881


May 2023 – Present : Oncology Radiologist - Hospital Practionner 'Praticien Hospitalier des CLCC' Oncology Radiologist specialized in head and neck and women's imaging. Main responsibilities are:
Management of imaging in oncological patients and especially head and neck and breast cancers : from diagnostic (evaluation of cancer, emergency imaging through CT scan, MRI, mammography, biopsies) to treatment (multidisciplinary meetings, tumor boards and cryotherapy).
Participation in research papers.
Management of interns and residents.

Janvier 2022 – Present : breast cancer screening program Double reading of mammograhies for the breast cancer screening in France : independant reading of 160 mammographies each month

Novembre 2020 - May 2023 : Oncology Radiologist - Fellow 'Assistant Spécialiste des CLCC' Oncology Radiologist specialized in head and neck and women's imaging. Main responsibilities are
Formation in imaging in oncological patients, especially breast and head and neck cancers
Participation in research papers.
Management of interns and resident.

Nov 2015 - Nov 2020 : Resident in Radiology ;  Formation in Radiology
Head and Neck and Women's imaging (Hôpital Tenon, Insitut Curie, Hôpital Hôtel-Dieu)
General imaging (Hôpital Bicêtre, Hopital Bichat)
Nuclear Medecine (Hôpital Privé d'Antony)
Pediatrics Imaging (Hôpital Jean Verdier)
Neuroradiology (Hôpital Henri Mondor)
Musculoskeletal Imaging (Hôpital Lariboisière)


Europeen Congress of Radiology 'ECR' 2023
ePoster : Predictive factors of pathological complete response after neoadjuvant therapy in patients with Her2-positive breast-cancer.

French Radiology Congress 'JFR' - Post-treatment imaging of breast cancer, 10/15/23 University degree – Breast Pathology of Institut Curie (Saint- Cloud)

Post-treatment imaging of breast cancer, 02/02/24


Initial MRI presentation predictive of a pathological complete response to neoadjuvant treatments in HER2- positive breast cancers Ribrag A., Lissavalid E., Fayard J.,Djerroudi L., Ramtohul T., Tardivon A. Eur Radiol.

2023-08-02 : Post-treatment breast imaging 'Imagerie du sein traité' Ala Eddine C., Nhy C., Lissavalid E., Malhaire C., Imagerie du sein traité (hors implants). EMC RADIOLOGIE ET IMAGERIE MEDICALE

2023-08-01 : Multiparametric MRI and Radiomics for the Prediction of HER2-Zero, -Low, and -Positive Breast Cancers Ramtohul T, Djerroudi L, Lissavalid E, Nhy C, Redon L, Ikni L, et al. Multiparametric MRI and Radiomics for the Prediction of HER2-Zero, -Low, and -Positive Breast Cancers. Radiology. 1 août 2023;308(2):e222646.

2022-02-01 : Transthoracic lung biopsy for pulmonary nodules ≤20 mm in routine clinical care Lissavalid E., Khalil A., Soussi G., Debray M.-P., Guyard A., Bunel V., Borie R., Mordant P., Cazes A., Zalcman G., et al. Transthoracic lung biopsy for pulmonary nodules ≤20 mm in routine clinical care. ERJ Open Res. 2021;8:00562–2021. doi: 10.1183/23120541.00562-2021.
