L' ESR (l'European Society of Radiology) dans un article intitulé "French Society working to ensure safety of teleradiology" de sa revue ECR TODAY, souligne les travaux d'uniformisation et les standards de qualité instaurés par le G4 (dont la SFR fait partie) en matière…
L' ESR (l'European Society of Radiology) dans un article intitulé "French Society working to ensure safety of teleradiology" de sa revue ECR TODAY, souligne les travaux d'uniformisation et les standards de qualité instaurés par le G4 (dont la SFR fait partie) en matière de Téléradiologie. L'article résume également sa charte en 11 points:
"At the national level, the role of the SFR is to promote healthcare policies which ensure patients have access to the best care and innovations throughout the country. Telemedicine, including teleradiology, is now part of healthcare, and the SFR supports the development of new medical organisations for teleradiology, quality control and radiation exposure guidelines in order to improve patient care.
For teleradiology, the French Council of Radiology (G4), presided by the SFR and including all four representatives* of French radiologists, has noticed lower levels of patient care within teleradiology in some hospitals. Such teleradiology programmes just do readings of CT and x-rays images with no validation of the requested examination, no support to the radiographers team, no management of the radiological department, questionable organisation, and doubtful credentials from the remote radiologists.
With the French National Council of Physicians (Conseil National de l’Ordre des Médecins, CNOM) and the G4, the SFR promotes a teleradiology charter (see boxed text) which lists several key duties of the radiologist, along with ethics, and consideration for patients. This charter also refers to several other teleradiology guidelines on medical convention, the role of radiographer, etc."
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